
Justice: Unsolved Civil Rights Murders

History is neither glamorous, nor accurate.
    Through the rhetorical examination of one of the darker periods in American History, the Civil Rights Movement, the students of the Communication and Rhetorical Studies Department at Syracuse University are working to shed some light. Countless individuals lost their lives, but were merely swept aside.
    The importance of creating a public memory concerning the injustices during the period from 1954-1980 is immeasurable. Beginning with the film/documentary by Keith Beauchamp, now a Syracuse University Artist-in-Residence, about the tragic and disturbing lynching of Emmet Louis Till in 1955, the FBI has allocated funds and energy towards a list of "Cold Cases" - murders and lynchings that were never solved, or cases in which justice was never served.
    Through public documentation, research, and the rhetorical analysis of the contextual information surrounding each case, we aim to construct a hope by acknowledging the errors and omissions of the past. Please recognize the goal of this project is not to solve cases, bring culprits to justice, or hunt down perpetrators; instead we ask you to entertain the idea that there are multiple kinds of justice: there are times where closure and admission of the truth are more powerful than a verdict delivered from a courtroom.   

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